Mustard Seeds

January 27, 2022

Mustard Seeds

Mustard is an annual herb which has been used since the earliest recorded history. Many spice blends would be incomplete without this much used and ancient spice.


Black and brown mustard seeds lend a nutty flavour and crunch when fried and are used to finish soups, sauces, and curries. It’s essential to get the oil nice and hot before adding the mustard seeds to the pan in order to release the maximum amount of aroma and flavour you can! The black mustard seed is typically used for vegetarian dishes in Sri Lankan cuisine whilst the brown seeds are used for the meat dishes.

 Try our recipes featuring Mustard Seeds:


To find out more about traditional Sri Lankan spices and recipes that involve them, check out the incredible cook book and spice pack from @peterkuruvita, the Lands of the Curry Leaf Spice Collection!

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